The Young Researchers project is an initiative of the East Asian Studies Area of the University of Malaga that focuses on exploring historical and social issues of Korea and promotes leadership in research among young scholars. It consists of two main subprojects: Life History of Korean Gisaeng Slaves, whose principal investigator is Dr. Patricia Chica Morales, and Borders, Slaves, and Identity in Korea, led by Dr. Luis A. Botella Sánchez.

The first subproject investigates the lives and experiences of gisaengs, women trained in arts and entertainment who often lived in servitude. Through historical documents, it seeks to understand their role in Korean society. The second project examines the dynamics of border, slavery, and identity, exploring how these factors have shaped the country’s history and culture. Both subprojects significantly contribute to a deep understanding of Korean peninsula history and encourage active participation of young researchers in Asian studies.