The East Asia Studies Area studies equality and inclusion processes in Korea

The East Asian Studies Area of the University of Malaga has been recognized with one of the two research projects that the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea, through the Academy of Korean Studies (AKS), has awarded at international level in the ‘Advanced Seed Track‘ modality, in this case for the study of the processes of equality and inclusion in this country. The other institution selected was the University of Copenhagen.

The AKS awards these prestigious grants to innovative research projects in Korean Studies. Thus, the one granted to the Area of East Asian Studies-Korea Mention of the UMA ‘Path to Equality: Korean Studies Network on Inclusiveness‘ (KEI-Network, AKS-2021-INC-225002) will investigate in detail, for five years, the processes of equality and inclusion of that country and the progressive integration of women in the public sphere.

It will be directed by Professor Antonio J. Domenech, director of the University of Malaga’s Korea Bridge Office, and will have a total budget of 325,000 euros (65,000 euros per year). Aurelia Martín Casares, Luis A. Botella, Kang Eun Kyung, Eo Da Eun and Patricia Chica are the other members of the research team.

The training of new researchers capable of developing Korean Studies in Spain and the Spanish-speaking world, as well as their integration in a multidisciplinary network that advances in the specific study of inclusion and equality, as main topics, are some of the objectives that will be pursued from this project.

“We seek to train the next generation of Korean Studies scholars,” explains Domenech, who emphasizes the leading role of the UMA in this regard, whose Degree in East Asian Studies, currently taught in the Faculty of Social and Labor Studies, celebrates this academic year a decade since its creation in 2011.

Likewise, the consolidation of undergraduate and graduate Korean Studies at the UMA is another of the goals that will be advanced through this research project.

Scientific, philosophical and social analysis of covid19: social impact, ethical implications and culture of prevention against pandemics.

Supreme Council for Scientific Research (CSIC). Reference: CSICCOV19-027, to analyze the impact of Covid-19 and its reflection in the media in South Korea.


The Academy of Korean Studies (AKS) collaborates with the University of Malaga in the “Seed Program for Korean Studies”, a project that aims to strengthen the Korean Studies program. At UMA, this project stems from the need to take Korean Studies to the next level by addressing the two main problems in Spain: the lack of master’s degree programs and the fragmentation in the field of Korean Studies. Therefore, the project aims to establish an Official Master’s Degree in Korean Studies and to create research teams that will consolidate the foundations of a stable academic community focused on Korean Studies in the Spanish-speaking world.

To this end, the Area is working with the National University of Incheon and the Autonomous University of Nuevo León to create a master’s degree program with two lines of specialization: academic and professional.

In the field of academic research, research is being conducted to study the influence of cultural connections between Korea and the Spanish-speaking world on the emergence of new feelings of identity among young people.

UMA Feminist, The Korean Wave, Permanent Research Seminar

Years of duration: 2018-2021


  • Patricia Chica Morales: Responsible for the activity. Coordinator of the Korea Office. Vice-rectorate for Strategic Projects. Line of research on gender equality in Korea.
  • Antonio J. Domenech: Professor of the Degree in East Asian Studies. Doctoral thesis on the role of Korean women in religion. Current lines of research and teaching on gender issues.
  • Aurelia Martín Casares: Professor of the Degree in East Asian Studies.
  • Luis Alberto Botella Sánchez: Professor of the Degree in East Asian Studies.
  • Eun Kyung Kang: Professor of the Degree in East Asian Studies.
  • Da Eun Eo: Professor of the Degree in East Asian Studies.
  • Mathías Montenegro: Master’s Degree in Communication. Final Degree Project “Feminism and Satirical Communication”.
  • Maite Nuño, Beatriz Reyes, Rocío Gambero y Cristina Serradilla: Students of the East Asian Studies Degree.

Project content:

The objective of the activity is to create a series of “activities” framed as workshops and conferences that promote research with a gender perspective in Korean Studies and the dissemination of work that is already being done. These activities will be carried out jointly with the Korean Language Department of Incheon National University (South Korea) with whom we have been working previously in joint seminars and conferences. The ultimate goal of the activity is that, one more year, this initiative will be a space for debate for the university community of the UMA but also of the Incheon National University interested in issues related to gender equality in South Korea and East Asia.


Both in the workshops and conferences proposed, a horizontal structure will be established between the faculty and students participating in GEAOR. The proposed activities will be carried out online, thus reaching a larger number of interested parties.

La Ola Coreana, Políticas de Género en Corea del Sur
La Ola Coreana, Figuras Feministas en Corea del Sur

University Development Cooperation Projects

The close relationship between the UMA and Incheon National University (INU) has favored the collaboration in triangular cooperation projects in Spain and Latin America with other universities abroad, following the objectives of internationalization and achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The projects developed so far are:

  • Green Ger Village Cooperation Project (Mongolia).
  • Cooperation Narratives Project and Voices of Resistance for the Construction of Peace in Colombia.

The general objectives of the projects are:

  • Generate a critical, participatory and supportive citizenship in a globalized world.
  • Strengthen the image of the UMA and the INU as academic institutions engaged in development cooperation.
  • Create joint projects for the creation and dissemination of knowledge.
  • Promote research cooperation as well as cultural and human exchange in the participating universities.
Diálogos con Colombia
Convenio de colaboración con la Mongolian University of Life Science
I Jornada de Mongolia en la UMA