- Telf.: 951 93 63 52
- E-mail: eunkang@uma.es
- Office: 1.50 (Faculty of Social and Labor Studies)
Specialist in Performing Arts, Korean Language and Literature. Director of the theater company 무 TEATRO.
Area of expertise
East Asian Studies
Academic Degree
- Ph.D. in East Asian Studies from the University of Málaga
- M.A. in East Asian Studies
- Degree in Dramatic Art
- B.A. in Literary Arts
Degree in East Asian Studies – Korea Mention
Employment relationship
Areas of interest
- Performing Arts
- Korean Literature
- Korean Language
- Korean-Spanish Translation
Books and book chapters:
- Botella Sánchez, L. A.; Kang, E. K.; Doménech, A. J. and Wulff, F. (eds. lits.) (2023). Samguk Yusa. Memoirs of the Three Kingdoms. UMA Editorial.
- Domenech, A. J. and Kang, E. K. (2023). Thought and religion throughout the history of the Korean peninsula: harmony, coexistence and conflict. Title Book: One step closer to Korea. History, Culture and Society. Collection: Korea from Latin America (pp. 35-39). RIL Editores. Center for Comparative Korean Studies of the Central University of Chile.
- Kang, E. K. and Domenech, A. J. (2023). From Analog to Digital Comics: Webtoons in Korea. Book title: Manga, Video Games and Audiovisual Graphic Culture (pp. 9-22). UMA Editorial.
- Domenech, A. J. and Kang E. K. (2022). Gender in Korean Shamanic Rituals. Jung, I.S. (Ed.), Asian Community and Europe (pp. 53-72). Pacini Editore.
- Kang, E. K. and Domenech, A. J. (2022). New Theater Movement (Sinyeongeuk) in Korea. Title Book: Korea facing a new epochal change. Approximations from the Global South” (pp.177-191). National University of La Plata Publishing House.
- Ribas, C. A. and Kang E. K. (2021). The construction of the experience of academic internationalization. The University of Malaga-Korea case. International mobility and education in Korea. A sociocultural approach (pp. 15-27). Comares Editorial.
- Kang, E. K. and Chica Morales, P. (2024). Women, Family and Society in HAN KANG’S THE VEGETARIAN, International Journal of Cultures and Literatures, Issue: 27 (2024) (pp. 165-180). ISSN: 1885-3625. DOI: https://doi.org/10.12795/RICL2024.i27.09
- Kang, E. K. and Domenech del Rio, A. J. (2024). Religious thought in Korea as a path (dao) of Inclusion and Liberation. RAPHISA. Journal Of Anthropology And Philosophy Of The Sacred, 7(2), 7-22.
- Domenech del Rio, A. J., Martin-Casares, A. and Kang E.K. (2023). Korea, Its People and Customs as Seen by the World Renown Novelist Vicente Blasco Ibañez (1923) / Review Article. Seoul Journal of Korean Studies, 36(1), 333-352.
- Kang, E. K. and Domenech del Rio, A. J. (eds.) (2023). Religion, Discrimination, Inclusion, and Liberation in Korea. Journal of Anthropology and Philosophy of the Sacred (RAPHISA), Volume: 7(2). D.O.I.: https://doi.org/10.24310/raphisa.7.2.2023.18323
- Kang, E. K. and Martin Casares, A. (eds.) (2023). Women’s studies, equity and equality in Korea and East Asia. International Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 2(1): 1-289, January-June 2023. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15517/riea.v2i1
Kang, E. K., Montalbán Peregrín, F. M. and Doménech del Río, A. J. (2023). Korean mask theater: its reinterpretation and transformation in contemporary theater.Asian and African Studies, 58(2), 243-272. https://doi.org/10.24201/eaa.v58i2.2784
Martin Casares, A. and Kang, E.K. (eds.) (2022): ‘Women and Gender in Korea’, International Journal of Asian Studies (monographic no.).
Kang, E. K. and Domenech del Rio, A. J. (2014). Korean mask theater (2014) in La Ratonera.Revista Asturiana de Teatro.Nº 39 (June 2014).Ed. Oris Teatro. ISSN 1578-2514, pp. 135-145.DOI: https://doi.org/10.24310/raphisa.7.2.2023.18323
Autora de Teatro:
- When the Green Swallowed a Dream: Theatre Song (Seoul, 2014), International Festival of Contemporary Theater (FITC, 2014) / Gades Hall (2014).
- Princess Bari CCP ( Malaga Province Cultural Center) (2010) / Triangle Hall, Madrid (2010) / Ronda Space, Madrid (2010) / THEATER LAS LAGUNAS (2010)
- Beyond Memory: Seongnam Civic Center Small Theater, 28th National Theater Festival, Gyeonggi-do, Korea, Grand Prize for Best Play (2010).
- Soup of women: Provincial Theater of Malaga, Malaga (2006) / University of Granada, Granada (2006) / Coin Theatre, Malaga (2007).
- I Went to the Chicken House, directed by Satishin, produced by Theater Company Today, Arongu Jisoso Theater, 27th Seoul Theater Festival (2006) / Shinyon Art Hall (2006) / Taebaek Arts and Culture Center, Grand Prize at 24th Gangwon Theater Festival (2007) / Bomnae Theater (2007) / Geoje Cultural Arts Center, 25th National Theater Festival (2007) / Incheon Arts Center (2009)
- Hit and Run – Voila, a baseball game! Munyehak Center for the Arts, Official Participation in the 2001 Seoul Performing Arts Festival (2001)
Wonderful Sushi: Theater Lab, Hyehwa-dong 1, Hyehwa-dong 1, participated in Yukdu Yukgam Festival (2001) / Theater Lab, Hyehwa-dong 1, Seoul Performing Arts Festival 2001 (2001) / Theater Song (2014) - How to Eat a Full Course Deliciously – Happy Birthday Two: Yeonwoo Small Theater, Hyehwa-dong (1999)
- Mirage: Korea National University of Arts Dance Studio, Group Contemporary (1999)
- The Story of Donggae Donggae: Supported by Children’s Cultural Arts Center, Munyehak Center Small Theater, Gold Prize at the 1993 National Children’s Theater Festival (1993) / International Festival OKINAWA for Young Audience (1994) / Cheongpa Small Theater (1995)
Theater Director:
- Lost Dreams: 30th Fantastic Film Festival (FANCINE, 2020)
- The Alley: Carmen Thyssen Museum Malaga (2020)
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Contenedor Cultural UMA (2018) / Korean Cultural Center (Madrid, 2018)
- Utopias: Pompidou Museum of Malaga (2019)
- Macbeth: 70th anniversary of Esad Málaga (2017) / Echegaray Theater (2018) / III Contest of Andalusian Theatrical Innovators (CINTA) (2018) / IV Festival of Classical Theater of Fuenteovejuna (2019).
- RevoLUZión: Annual exhibition The Romanov Dynasty of the Russian Museum Collection of Malaga (2017) / Centro Cultral MVA (2019) / Ehegaray Theater, Factoría Fénix (2020)
- When the green swallowed a dream: Theatre Song (South Korea, 2014) / International Festival of Contemporary Theater (FITC, 2014) / Gades Hall (2014)
- Sacred: Provincial Cultural Center María Victoria (2016)
- Air: micro Theater Malaga (2014)
- The Suicide of the Angel: XXIX Malaga Theater Festival Teatro Echegaray (2012) / Joaquín Eléjar Hall (2013).
- Mu Korea: Mijas International Festival (Mijas Pueblo, Málaga) (2011)
- So come in…: XXVIII Malaga Theater Festival, Teatro Echegaray (2011)
- Princess Bari: CCP ( Cultural Center of Malaga Province) (2010) / Triangle Hall (Madrid, 2010) / Ronda Space (Madrid, 2010) / Las Lagunas Theater (2010) / Contest of New Theatrical Researchers (Theatrical Research Center Atalaya TNT) / The 4th Exhibition of Andalusian Theater / Echegaray Theater.
- Seagull: III International Research Theater Festival, Sensation Theater (Ciudad Real, 2008)
- Kkoktugaksi Nori: I Malaga Theater Festival, Sala Joaquín Eléjar (2008) / Korean Cultural Center (Madrid, 2015)
- Seagull of A. Chekhov’s adaptation – III International Festival of Sensation Theater, Ciudad Real (2008).
- Soup of woman: Provincial Theater of Malaga, Malaga (2006) / University of Granada, Granada (2006) / Coín Theater, Malaga (2007)