

  • Botella Sánchez, L. A.; Kang, E. K.; Doménech, A. J. & Wulff, F. (eds.) (2023). Samguk Yusa. Memories of the Three Kingdoms. UMA Editorial.
  • Ko, M., Jung, B., & Jung, M. (2016). History of Korean Literature: From Ancient Times to the 19th Century. University of Malaga.
  • Coordinated by Antonio J. Doménech del Río.
  • Yi, I., Lee, M., Kim, H., & Doménech del Río, A. (2011). The Secret to Banishing Ignorance: Basic Compendium of Confucian Education in 16th-century Korea. Verbum Editorial.
  • Wonyong, K., Woongu, K., & Doménech del Río, A. (2009). Gyeongju Namsan: The Namsan Mountain in Gyeongju: Buddhist Sculptures in the Pure Land of the Korean Silla Kingdom. Berenice.

Collection of translations by Korean authors (UMA)

Story Title: A Stray Bullet
Author: Lee Beomseon
Translator: Various
Book Title: A Stray Bullet
Place: Malaga
Publisher: UMA Editorial
ISBN: 978-84-1335-147-6
Year: 2022

Story Title: A History Everything But Giraffes, More than Half of Haruo
Author: Lee Jang-Wook
Translator: Various
Book Title: Short Stories
Place: Malaga
Publisher: UMA Editorial
ISBN: 978-84-17449-10-0
Year: 2018

hacia el criadero de perros area asia oriental uma

Book Title: Towards the Dog Breeding Farm
Author: Pyun Hye-young
Translator: Various
Book Title: Towards the Dog Breeding Farm. Short Stories
Place: Malaga
Publisher: UMA Editorial
ISBN: 978-84-617-5552-3
Year: 2016


Title: Embracing the Chrysanthemum
Author: Jeon Sung-tae
Translator: Various
Place: Malaga
Publisher: UMA Editorial
ISBN: 978-84-17449-66-7
Year: 2015

Story Title: Corpses
Author: Pyun Hye-Young
Translator: Kwon Eun-hee, Seong Cho-Lim, Luis A. Frailes
Text Review: Patricia Chica, Juan M. Mateos
Publisher: Literature Translation Institute of Korea
Year: 2015

Story Title: The Neighbor. Joy, the Savior Arrived  
Author: Ha Seong-nan
Translator: Luis A. Frailes, Kim Un Kyung
Text Review: Patricia Chica, Juan M. Mateos
Publisher: Literature Translation Institute of Korea
Year: 2014

Story Title: Breath + Needle    
Author: Cheon Un-Yeon
Translator: Luis A. Frailes, Kim Un Kyung
Text Review: Patricia Chica, Juan M. Mateos
Publisher: Literature Translation Institute of Korea
Year: 2013

Story Title: I Bought Balloons  
Author: Jo Kyung-ran
Translator: Luis A. Frailes, Kim Un Kyung
Text Review: Patricia Chica, Juan M. Mateos
Publisher: Literature Translation Institute of Korea
Year: 2009


Book Title: Ancient Malaga
Author: Ko Un
Translator: Doménech-Del Río, Antonio José
Publisher: UMA Editorial
Year: 2009

Book Title: My Mother’s Story  
Author: Kim Eun-sung
Translator: Doménech-Del Río, Antonio José
Publisher: Ediciones Sinsentido
ISBN: 978-84-96722-42-2
Year: 2008

Book Chapters

Book Title: Korea, Yesterday and Today. Latin American Contributions
Start Page: 117
FInal Page: 136
Place: Mexico City
ISBN: 978-607-28-1020-4
Year: 2017


Chapter Title: Religious Beliefs and Practices Illustrated by Films
Chapter Author: Antonio J. Doménech.
Start Page: 9
Final Page: 34
Publisher: ARACNE editrice int.le S.r.l.
ISBN: 978–88–548–8453–3
Year: 2015


Chapter Title: Shamanism and Korean Shamans: Identities under Construction
Chapter Author: Doménech-Del Río, Antonio José
Book Title: Shamanism in the Modern World
Start Page: 91
Final Page: 108
Publisher: Plaza y Vades
ISBN: 978-84-16032-00-6
Year: 2014


Chapter Title: Free and Freed Blacks at the time of Spanish Renaissance
Book Title: Black Africans In Renaissance Europe
Chapter Author: Martín Casares, Aurelia
Start Page: 247
Final Page: 260
Place: United Kingdom
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 0-521-81582-7
Year: 2010


Book Title: Current Studies on Korea
Chapter Author: Antonio J. Doménech.
Start Page: 13
Final Page: 30
Publisher: JARD
ISBN:  978-84-613-8630-7


Chapter Title: Family and Women in Korea: Modernity and Transformation
Book Title: Challenges of Contemporaneity: Korea-Latin America
Chapter Author: Antonio J. Doménech.
Start Page: 173
Final Page: 186
Publisher: Editorial Antropofagia
ISBN: 978-987-1238-64-4
Year: 2010


Chapter Title: Korean Shamans, Gods, and Spirits
Book Title: Meeting of Views, Relationships, and Exchanges
Chapter Author: Antonio J. Doménech.
Start Page: 31
Final Page: 48
Publisher: Editorial Universidad de Granada
ISBN: 978-84-338-5150-5
Year: 2010


Chapter Title: Spirits, Ghosts, and Other Deities in the World of Korean Women
Book Title: 100% Asian Fantastic Cinema
Chapter Author: Antonio J. Doménech
Start Page: 183
Final Page: 204
Publisher: UMA Editorial
ISBN: 978-84-7785-887-4
Year: 2010


Chapter Title: The Mythological Origins of Korea  
Book Title: Inner Korea, Outer Korea
Chapter Author: Doménech-Del Río, Antonio José  
Start Page: 13
Final Page: 53
Publisher: Verbum Essay
ISBN: 978-84-7962-426-2
Year: 2007


Title: Korea Viewed by 12 Authors
Author: Antonio J. Doménech.
Publisher: Ponent Mon
ISBN: 978-84-96427-43-3
Year: 2007


Chapter Title: The Encounter of “Eastern” and “Western” Thought in Korean Lands  
Book Title: Korea in Spain, Spain in Korea
Chapter Author: Doménech-Del Río, Antonio José   
Start Page: 13
Final Page: 36
Publisher: Editorial Verbum
ISBN: 978-84-7962-395-1
Year: 2007



Chapter Title: Discovering Codes: Key Words in the Worldview of Korean Women
Book Title: Interculturality and Language
Chapter Author: Antonio J. Doménech
Start Page: 309
Final Page: 318

Publisher: Granada Lingvistica
ISBN: 978-84-7933-483-5
Year: 2007


Chapter Title: Anonymous Women of the Common People: Heterodox and Excluded
Book Title: History of Women in Spain and Latin America, vol II
Chapter Author: Martín Casares, Aurelia
Start Page: 353
Final Place: 377
Place: Madrid
Publisher: Cátedra
ISBN: 84-376-2259-X
Year: 2005


Chapter Title: Indigenous Religions of East Asia: Japan and Korea. Shintoism and Shamanism
Book Title: Thought and Religion in East Asia.
Chapter Author: Antonio J. Doménech   
Start Page: 233
Final Page: 280

Publisher: Editorial UOC
ISBN: 84-9788-131-1
Year: 2005


Chapter Title: Contemporary Situation
Book Title: Thought and Religion in East Asia
Chapter Author: Antonio J. Doménech.   
Start Page: 281
Final Page: 329

Publisher: Editorial UOC
ISBN: 84-9788-131-1
Year: 2005



Book Title: The Future of Interreligious Dialogue
Chapter Author: Antonio J. Doménech  
Start Page: 11
Final Page: 13

Publisher: KADMOS
ISBN: 84-931516-8-8
Year: 2005


Chapter Title: The Koreans and Their Worldview
Book Title: Signs of Korean Identity
Chapter Author: Antonio J. Doménech  
Start Page: 23
Final Page: 39

Publisher: Ediciones Gondo
ISBN: 84-931454-8-3
Year: 2003



Chapter Title: An Introduction to Korean Thought: Tradition, Religion, and Philosophy
Book Title: Society, Economy, and Politics in Korea
Chapter Author: Antonio J. Doménech  
Start Page: 19
Final Page: 44

Publisher: Ediciones Gondo
ISBN: 84-931454-7-5
Year: 2002



  • ISSN Online: 2405-836X Print ISSN: 2405-8351
  • Leiden University, Netherlands
  • Advisory Board:  Aurelia Martín Casares


  • ISSN: 1696-344X
  • Scientific Committee: Aurelia Martín Casares


Kang, E. K. & Chica Morales, P. (2024). Women, Family, and Society in Han Kang’s “The Vegetarian”. International Journal of Cultures and Literatures, Number: 27 (2024) (pp. 165-180). ISSN: 1885-3625. DOI:

Kang, E. K. & Doménech del Río, A. J. (2024). Religious Thought in Korea as a Path (Dao) to Inclusion and Liberation. RAPHISA. Journal of Anthropology and Philosophy of the Sacred, 7(2), 7–22.

Botella Sánchez, L. A.; Kang, E. K.; Doménech, A. J. & Wulff, F. (eds.) (2023). “Samguk Yusa. Memories of the Three Kingdoms”. UMA Editorial.

Doménech, A. J. & Kang, E. K. (2023). Thought and Religion throughout the History of the Korean Peninsula: Harmony, Coexistence, and Conflict. Book Title: “One Step Further towards Korea. History, Culture, and Society”. Collection: Korea from Latin America (pp. 35-39). RIL Editores. Center for Comparative Studies of Korea at the Central University of Chile.

Doménech del Río, A. J., Martín-Casares, A. & Kang E.K. (2023). Korea, Its People and Customs as Seen by the World-Renowned Novelist Vicente Blasco Ibáñez (1923) / Review Article. Seoul Journal of Korean Studies, 36(1), 333-352.

Kang, E. K. & Doménech, A. J. (2023). From Analog to Digital Comics: Webtoons in Korea. Book Title: “Manga, Video Games, and Audiovisual Graphic Culture” (pp. 9-22). UMA Editorial.

Kang, E. K. & Doménech del Río, A. J. (editors) (2023). Religion, Discrimination, Inclusion, and Liberation in Korea. Journal of Anthropology and Philosophy of the Sacred (RAPHISA), Volume: 7(2). DOI:

Kang, E. K. & Martín Casares, A. (editors) (2023). Women’s Studies, Equity, and Equality in Korea and East Asia. International Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 2(1): 1-289, January-June 2023. DOI:

Kang, E. K., Montalbán Peregrín, F. M. & Doménech del Río, A. J. (2023). Korean Mask Theater: Its Reinterpretation and Transformation in Contemporary Theater. Studies of Asia and Africa, 58(2), 243–272. DOI:

Doménech, A. J. & Kang E. K. (2022). Gender in Korean Shamanic Rituals. In Jung, I.S. (Ed.), “Asian Community and Europe” (pp. 53-72). Pacini Editore.

Kang, E. K. & Doménech, A. J. (2022). The Movement of New Theater (Sinyeongeuk) in Korea. Book Title: “Korea in the Face of a New Era of Change. Approaches from the Global South” (pp.177-191). National University of La Plata Editorial.

Martín Casares, A. & Kang, E.K. (editors) (2022): “Women and Gender in Korea”, International Journal of Asian Studies (monographic issue).

Chica-Morales, Patricia; Muñoz, Victor F.; Domenech, Antonio J. (2021). “System Dynamics as Ex Ante Impact Assessment Tool in International Development Cooperation: Study Case of Urban Sustainability Policies in Darkhan, Mongolia”. Sustainability, 13(8): 4595.

Ribas, C. A. & Kang E. K. (2021). “Building the Experience of Academic Internationalization. The Case of the University of Malaga-Korea. International Mobility and Education in Korea. A Sociocultural Approach” (pp. 15-27). Editorial Comares.

Botella-Sánchez, Luis Alberto (2019). “The Configuration and Evolution of an Autonomous Space of Research in the Republic of Korea (1945-1979): the Relationship between Governments and Archaeologists”. Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies, 2019, vol. 19/2, pp. 167-188.

Botella, Luis & Domenech, Antonio. (2017). “Achieving Professional Credentials: South Korean Archaeology and University Degrees (1945–1979)”. Seoul Journal of Korean Studies, 30, 71-96. DOI: 10.1353/seo.2017.0003.

Botella-Sánchez, Luis Alberto; Doménech-Del Río, Antonio José (2017). “Achieving Professional Credentials: South Korean Archaeology and University Degrees (1945-1979)”, Seoul Journal of Korean Studies, 2017, vol. 30/1, pp. 69- 94.

Kang, E. K. & Doménech del Río, A. J. (2014). “Korean Mask Theater (2014) at the Ratonera”. Asturian Theater Journal. No. 39 (June 2014). Ed. Oris Teatro. ISSN 1578-2514, pp. 135-145. DOI:

Doménech-Del Río, Antonio José (2013). “The Dream of Interreligious Dialogue in the work of Kim Manjung, Kuunmong” (Original in Korean). Munheon Gwa Haeseog, 2013, vol. 64, pp. 129-138.

Martín Casares, Aurelia & Delaigue, Marie-Christine. (2013). “The Evangelization of Freed and Slave Black Africans in Renaissance Spain: Baptism, Marriage, and Ethnic Brotherhoods”. History of Religions. 52. 214-235. DOI: 52. 214-235. 10.1086/668659.

Martín Casares, Aurelia (2011). “Legislation on Free Soil in 19th Century Spain: The Case of the Slave Rufino and Its Consequences (1858-1879)”. Slavery and Abolition. vol. 34. pp. 123-142.

Botella-Sánchez, Luis Alberto (2010). “Shipyards, the Seed of Democracy and Its Struggle under Park Chung Hee: Questions of Continuity”. Papers, Essays and Reviews, 2010, vol. 2/1, pp 111-114.

Blumenthal, D. (2009). “Enemies and Familiars: Slavery and Mastery in Fifteenth-Century Valencia”. Cornell University Press. Retrieved May 16, 2021.